Help us make dreams come true! Be a part of the KDEF story.
Our MIssion: Kenya Drylands Education Fund strives to improve educational opportunities for underserved populations in the Drylands of Northern Kenya
Thanks for donating to KDEF! Your financial support is vital to our work in this remote and impoverished part of the world. With your help, we will continue to:
Expand access to education through our EnART model, which supports Enrollment, Attendance and Retention, and Transition.
Provide sustainable water systems such as boreholes, rock catchments, rainwater harvesting systems, and water desalination systems to drought-stricken villages and schools.
Build classrooms, dormitories, kitchens, sanitation blocks, so students can stay in school
Provide Feeding Programs to Early Childhood Education classrooms
Provide menstrual-hygiene Opportunity Kits to young women, so they can stay in school
Send qualified students to high-quality boarding schools to earn a high-school degree
Provide financial support for college and university to KDEF's high school graduates
Your donation will keep these holistic programs running. We're grateful for your support
KDEF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit and a registered Kenyan NGO.